Hello, I am interested in buying the Indiedroid Nova, but I’m concerned about the compatibility of the Pisugar S Plus with it. I’ve read conflicting information and I’m not sure if it’s possible to use them together.
I want to use the Pisugar S Plus as a portable power source for the Indiedroid Nova. Can anyone confirm if they are compatible? And if so, could you please provide clear instructions or a wiring diagram to connect them?
The only thing I have been able to obtain is the following info and I cannot even confirm if it would work.
|IndieDroid Nova GPIO Pin|PiSugar S Plus Pin|
Gpio droid on left
- Install the necessary software libraries: You’ll need to install the wiringPi and pigpio libraries to interface with the GPIO pins on the IndieDroid Nova. You can do this by running the following commands in the terminal:
sqlCopy code
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install wiringpi
sudo apt-get install pigpio
- Connect the Pisugar S Plus to the IndieDroid Nova: Connect the Pisugar S Plus to the IndieDroid Nova using the GPIO pins. Refer to the GPIO pinout diagram for the IndieDroid Nova to ensure that you connect the correct pins.
- Write the Python script: Once you have the libraries installed and the Pisugar S Plus connected to the IndieDroid Nova, you can write a Python script to communicate with the Pisugar S Plus. Here’s a sample script:
pythonCopy code
import pigpio
import time
# Connect to the pigpio daemon
pi = pigpio.pi()
# Set the GPIO pin to output mode
pi.set_mode(17, pigpio.OUTPUT)
# Send a signal to the Pisugar S Plus to turn on
pi.write(17, 1)
# Send a signal to the Pisugar S Plus to turn off
pi.write(17, 0)
# Disconnect from the pigpio daemon
- Run the Python script: Save the Python script and run it in the terminal with the following command:
Copy code
python3 script.py
This should send a signal to the Pisugar S Plus to turn on, wait for one second, and then send a signal to turn it off. You can modify the script to suit your specific needs, such as keeping the Pisugar S Plus on indefinitely or sending signals at specific intervals.
With these steps, you should be able to use the Pisugar S Plus Portable 5000mAh UPS with the IndieDroid Nova.